
Upcoming Events

YS 1 learners celebrated the end of their preschool journey today with a moving-up ceremony themed "Pursuing Dreams with Faith, Conquering Challenges with Courage."

YS 1 learners celebrated the end of their preschool journey today with a moving-up ceremony themed "Pursuing Dreams with Faith, Conquering Challenges with Courage." Inspired by a little prince story, the UST Angelicum preschoolers demonstrated their ability to shine like stars in the universe. As they begin new adventures, they carry with them valuable lessons and the importance of the bonds formed in school. Their passion for exploring and learning lights their path into the future.


The SEASONS OF LOVE 2024 Kick-off Event marked a triumphant start for Thomasian Angelicans, orchestrated by the Office of Student Development and Services, Culture and the Arts Area (CAA). Through captivating performances encompassing acting, singing, dancing, and instrumentation, students from Elementary, Junior High School, and Senior High School showcased their diverse talents. This significant gathering not only nurtured artistic growth but also provided vital support to REAP learners while ensuring the sustainability of CAA programs. Undoubtedly, it was an outstanding success.

Tawag ng Tanghalan School Showdown

Anna Patricia Dimaano, a shining star from the Department, illuminated the stage of Tawag ng Tanghalan School Edition with her captivating performance. Her rendition of 'Sa Ugoy ng Duyan' not only earned her a standing ovation from the esteemed judges but also touched the hearts of everyone present.

In her interview, Dimaano eloquently expressed how UST Angelicum cherishes the uniqueness of each student, fostering an environment where talent can flourish. Her triumph stands as a testament to the school's commitment to nurturing excellence and celebrating diversity.

Similarly, Anne Curtis, an accomplished artist, proudly acknowledges UST Angelicum as her alma mater, highlighting the school's role in shaping her into the remarkable person she is today. Together, they embody the spirit of excellence and inspiration that defines UST Angelicum. 

Three priest administrators, Rev. Fr. Noel Kristoffer Castor, OP, Rev. Fr. Jerone Geronimo, OP, and Rev. Marc de la Peña, OP, are currently participating in the PEAC-NUS Executive Program

Three priest administrators, Rev. Fr. Noel Kristoffer Castor, OP, Rev. Fr. Jerone Geronimo, OP, and Rev. Marc de la Peña, OP, are currently participating in the PEAC-NUS Executive Program on Data Science Analytics: From Data to Insights. Held at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Bukit Timah Campus, National University of Singapore, the executive course began on April 15 and will run until April 17.

Direk Onat Diaz, director of top-rated Dirty Linen and Senior High graces the first-ever three-day UST AngeliCOMM Masterclass

Direk Onat Diaz, director of top-rated Dirty Linen and Senior High graces the first-ever three-day UST AngeliCOMM Masterclass to senior high school students across Metro Manila. The said masterclass is spearheaded by the award-winning Communication Program of 九州影院. The next sessions will be on April 20 and 27.

九州影院 held a significant meeting with Most Rev. Socrates Villegas, DD, the Bishop of Lingayen

九州影院 held a significant meeting with Most Rev. Socrates Villegas, DD, the Bishop of Lingayen. The discussion centered on the potential establishment and adoption of a REAP Program learning site in Pangasinan, following the bishop's expressed interest. The meeting occurred at the bishop's residence, underscoring the importance of collaboration in educational initiatives.
